The Excitement Builds!

It’s hard to believe that it is only about 1 1/2 weeks till the Sydney SCBWI Conference begins!

For the past few months I have been busily grabbing any time I could to build a portfolio of artworks to show at Illustrators Showcase. I am getting into the final stages but will need a last minute push along to complete all that I am hoping to get done.

I am very excited, possibly a little nervous for the adventure to begin…


Morning Flower

The weeks of Term 3 are flying by and I can't believe the first Christmas food is available in the supermarkets! Can it really be that time already?

In the studio I have been very busy working on an exciting  project I will be revealing in my next post! I have had small pockets of time for other pieces but here is one that I recently completed using watercolours and pencil. I called it 'Morning Flower as Emily is giving the flower a gentle hug. 


Happy day all!

watercolour, pencil

watercolour, pencil