The Excitement Builds!

It’s hard to believe that it is only about 1 1/2 weeks till the Sydney SCBWI Conference begins!

For the past few months I have been busily grabbing any time I could to build a portfolio of artworks to show at Illustrators Showcase. I am getting into the final stages but will need a last minute push along to complete all that I am hoping to get done.

I am very excited, possibly a little nervous for the adventure to begin…


Bring on 2019!

What a lovely break I have had over the school holidays. There has been time with family and friends. Lots of precious memories to revisit!

I’ve also been working diligently, preparing for the Sydney SCBWI Conference at the end of February. This has involved the planning, sketching and finally painting a portfolio of works for the Illustrators Portfolio. It has really kept me very busy but ‘fun’ busy! Along with the physical issues of finding time there has also been those nagging questions that creatives sometimes find themselves pondering- Will anyone like my style? What will I include in my portfolio? What will 2019 hold for my illustration? Time will tell..
