Ruth-Mary Smith- Kids illustration & surface pattern design

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KidlitVic 2023

Hi everyone!

Walking through the door of KidLit Vic 2023!

I just wanted to share with you all about my recent trip down to Melbourne for KidLitVic, last weekend. KidLitVic is a conference for authors and illustrators interested in the Australian publishing market. It was an absolutely amazing experience, and I'm so grateful to have been able to attend.

The conference was packed full of great content, with four publisher panels covering topics such as finding the right publisher, what to expect when you receive a contract, and finding your voice. The panels were incredibly informative and gave us all a lot to think about as we navigate the world of publishing.

Ruth-Mary Smith holding my portfolio in the KidLitVic showcase

One of the highlights for me was having my portfolio in the illustrator showcase, which gave me the opportunity to have it looked through by a variety of publishers. It was nerve-wracking to have my work on display like that, but it was also incredibly exciting to see the reactions from people as they flipped through my illustrations.

But perhaps the best part of the conference was the connections I made with other authors and illustrators. I had the thrill of meeting Anna Battese the author of the PDMcPem series. It's always great to be able to chat with people who understand the industry and who are going through the same things as you. And after so long without being able to see each other in person, it was especially wonderful to be able to connect face-to-face.

Ruth-Mary Smith meeting Anna Battese. They are holding the page showing PDMcPem in the showcase of KidLitVic 2023

All in all, KidLitVic was an incredibly valuable day, and I feel so lucky to have been a part of it. I learned so much and made some great connections, and I'm excited to take everything I learned and use it to continue growing as an illustrator..

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